“Fate put us together, so nothing can tear us apart.” *

Welcome to a unique adventure of twins and writing.

Put together by fate–we write together by choice. We are identical twins, Pamela Bennett and Janet Jones, twins writing about twins, and we want to share our collaborative writing adventure with you.

Writing is quite often a solitary pursuit, but the foundation is all about communication. So our vision for this site is a shared dialogue with our visitors that will investigate the ins and outs and ups and downs of the writing business, along with an exploration of what it’s like to be a multiple in a singular world. Or the “freak factor” as we like to fondly call it.

Whether you are an aspiring writer, a twin, or just curious about the twin equilibrium…we want to hear from you! So sit back, grab your mouse, and come on in and explore.


*(c)2009 Ziggy Marley